Royal Reward Program


*Request for the balance of your reward point. E-mail us your request to Or call us at 631-273-3650 to request for the Royal reward program manager to return your call for your balance. Due to numerous requests, it might take some time before a manager can get back to you. To help us serve you better please email us instead for this kind of request.

  • NEWEST UPDATED # 4/20/2023 The royal reward program point is counted by orders over $15. So for example $15.45 will count toward 1 point. and $14.99 will not be counted. The accumulated lowest dollar amount will be $15. so any values below $15 will not be accumulated. The accumulated dollar is based on the Total amount of every purchase before taxes. I hope this answers most of your concerns about the math behind the reward system.

    Also, the minimum point for each use is 5 points. The maximum point each use is 10 points. Each point is equal to a $1 discount. Points do expire after 12 months.

    * Please note that all point does not have a cash value. It can not be cashed out or used as cash. The RRP program reward does not apply to all who did not register with Paradise Taste China or who use a third-party ordering platform and do not call the restaurant to add points.

    The points are automatically accumulated with online orders.

    The point is added once the account phone number is input into the POS system to place your order.

    The point is accumulated by subtotal price, not including tax and delivery fee values. Also, one phone number can only have one account. And please use your registered phone number to place an order.

    Hope you all enjoy this new updated for newest update be sure to check back here some other time.

    Thank you all for being the greatest paradise taste china customer. Happy dining sees you soon.